You know those feiseanna where you look at the competitior list and just know you have no hope? That happened to me the Wednesday before the Old Dominion feis. One of my competitors just won nationals a few days ago. Another of my competitors was the reason why I went to worlds this year (out via association). At least two others placed top five at the Oireachtas this past year.
Lets just say it's a good thing that I set goals for myself that have nothing to do with placements.
I helped run stages all morning, which I sort of enjoy. I like organizing things, as well as seeing all the cute tiny dancers. If only the gym wasn't so darn hot... Anywho, after that I went and searched out a new headband for my new hairstyle. I decided that I would dye my hair back to it's natural dark reddish brown state, and cut of my full wigs into a bun wig. I think it turned out pretty well, and with the heat of the feis, it was a good plan.
i love reading how your doing in feis and about your dancing, i think you're doing a great job keep up the hard work! i have the same problem as u i always mess up new steps all the time when i come to a feis i'm so worried i wont remember then for the first time it seems to come together :) i don't really understand how the feis's work in over in america and canada they are so different from here in england but it sounds like you're doing great and in open which if its like over here is the top competiton! can't wait to read more xx
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