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Oireachtas Workshop, Day 2

I now have everything learned for the Oireachtas. My set is awesome, my slip jig is amazing, and my treble jig is. . . well, it's still the same (But getting better). I even learned a four hand in two hours, and although it's full of simple moves, I always have trouble remembering what's coming up next. I will post videos of my slip jig and set as soon as I recover from this week.

We spent over an hour doing drills this evening, which I really don't mind because I know it will help me better myself. What irks me is when others moan and groan whenever a new drill starts. Sometimes I just wanna shake them and ask, 'DON'T YOU WANT TO GET BETTER?' Except everyone's so chatty, I don't think they'd hear me.

Sore calfs and quads (you can't even imagine), blister on my 4th toe on the left, sore calluses on the balls of my feet and tips of my toes, bruises on the top of my feet.
And I still have two more days left. . .

Goals: Videos of SJ and The Hunt
Days till Os: 107

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