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Mini Update

It's December.  I am an Irish dancer.  You know what that means...

Oireachtas Information
  • Tomorrow is the big day!  It will be jam packed with much dancing (solos in the morning, teams in the afternoon), but I know it will be a blast in the end!
  • I am feeling ready with my dancing.  I am going to put trust in my body and rely on all the hard work I have done in preparation for this event.  I am doing my best to stay stress free like I did for nationals this summer, but there are other factors at work for the Oireachtas that weren't there for nationals.  I did take the day off work to make sure that I am relaxed and focused.  I will do my best to continue to keep calm.
  • As always, I will be trying my best to post updates throughout the day as time allows [follow @RinceGoBragh on twitter] [follow @sekubik on instagram]
Coyle Feis
  • In a rare turn of events, I was unable to attend my usual November feis (Culkin), so I decided for extra competition practice that I would attend an out of region feis.  My goal was to place in the top half of the competition, but I fell short by just two places.  Since this feis happened a few weeks before the Mid Atlantic Oireachtas, I suppose it's to be expected.  I believe I was the highest placing Southern Region dancer though, so that is always a good sign!
Antonio Pacelli
  • Have you checked out the new Antonio Pacelli website?  They have completely revamped everything (except their merchandise; that remains wonderful as usual), and added a community section, full of Irish dance blogger from around the world, including me!
  • I will be posting separate content on the Antonio Pacelli website at least once a month, but don't worry, Rince go Bragh will still remain active.
Kennedy Center Performance
  • My dance school and I had the rare opportunity to perform at a prestigious venue: the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.  We performed on a Sunday evening on the Millennium Stage as part of the Kids Euro Festival performance.
  • You can catch our entire performance by following this link.  We start dancing at 23:25.

Goals: Three clean rounds
Days till Os: 17 hours

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