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Mini Update

1. The thing we have all been waiting for: my new dress! I will post more pictures after it gets blinged while I'm wearing it around at the Oireachtas. Thanks to my lovely boyfriend (author of the STFU posts) for getting it for me for Christmas!

2. Had a dream over the weekend that I got fifth at the Oireachtas, while another dancer from my school won. Last year when I had dreams about placements, they came true. We will see...

3. I leave for the Oireachtas early tomorrow morning, and look forward to dancing solos Saturday morning, followed by my four hand Saturday afternoon. I may or may not be taking the laptop with me (depends on how much portfolio work needs to be done), but after I get home on Sunday I will attempt to post that week following.

4. As usual, you can journey through my Oireachtas weekend with me by following my tweets: @RinceGoBragh

5. And last but not least as a side note, I will be finished with my student teaching internship (and college!) December 14th! Lots to celebrate this holiday season!

Goals: Finish blinging and packing
Days till Os: 1 day, 21 hours

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