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Irish Dance How-To: DIY Sugar Scrub

The weather is getting warmer, St. Patricks's month is over, so that means my pre-nationals feis season is gearing up to begin! Last fall, I discovered a great way to make the most of my feis tan, and I thought I'd share some of my tips with you today.

A sugar scrub is a fantastic way to exfoliate and prepare your legs for your pre-feis leg tanning session. Most tanning products do recommend exfoliating to avoid splotchiness. Keep in mind this is something to do the day before the feis, and not the morning of, for time’s sake and your feis day sanity.

You need: 

  • 1 cup sugar (brown or white) 
  • 1/4 cup natural oil (olive, coconut, almond, etc.) 
  • (optional) 5-8 drops essential oil

Step one: Make the scrub. My rule of thumb is three parts sugar to one part oil, then add in any essential oils if you want an extra good smelling scrub. My favorite combination is brown sugar, olive oil, and one teaspoon each of vanilla extract and honey, but you can also use whatever you have on hand in your kitchen. It’s your scrub after all!

Step two: Shave your legs as usual.

Step three: Use your scrub on your freshly shaven legs. Turn on your favorite song, jam out, and scrub each leg gently for half the length of the song. Be gentle so you don’t rub your legs raw! Give yourself a nice calf massage. Rub your tired feet. They have been working hard for you and deserve some TLC. Rinse off the sugar and resist the urge to stroke your legs now. Wait until after the whole process. It’s a secret.

Step four: We’re going to go beyond smooth, so lather up your legs with whatever you use to shave, and shave them again. Rinse your razor often! Instead of hair, this time you are getting rid of dead skin. Gross.

Step five: Use the rest of the sugar scrub on your legs. Jam out to another song. Rinse with plain water. Legs still feeling oily? Wash that weird feeling off with your favorite body wash.

Step six: Feel your smoothy smooth legs. Share how smooth they are with others. Apply tanner if you’re going to a feis, or lotion if you’re doing this to pamper yourself. Resist the urge at the feis to brag about how your legs have released their inner goddess. Try not to start a smooth legs competition (but if you do, know that you will get the sash and crystal, my dear, because you are the smooth legs winner).

P.S. Another important factor in making your tan last or not fade in splotches is to continue to exfoliate (I use a loofah in the shower) and moisturize daily! Your legs are still goddesses after your feis. Treat them as such.

Goals: Don't forget to work on your set!!
Days till NANs: 87

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