Feis Report: Feis Culkin
feis. This year's feis was held in a different location, which I personally like a lot less than the Mount St. Mary's venue. My competition went well, considering the following story: I was dancing my heavy round as usual, wheen partway through the left side of my first step, I felt my wig slipping off, which it did at the end of my first step. I somehow managed to grab it before it fell, all while dancing (I didn't miss a beat). Needless to say, I got a big applause afterwards. Despite the fact that I had a slight wardrobe malfunction, I got sixth overall in the competition, out of nine dancers. Again, not last!
Up next: Southern Region Oireachtas, December 5-6th.
My brain is on an Oireachtas binge:
Dancewise, I have mainly been focusing on stamina these past few weeks. As of now, I don't think my technique will change much, so I figure I might as well make sure I don't die before the end of my dances. Everyday I go over the order of the four-hand I'll be dancing. I still need a ton of work with the eight-hand, as I've only been through it once ever.
Logistics-wise, I've been figuring out how to transport all my dance stuff to Dallas safelty. My new dress bag should be coming this week, a only need to figure out a school dress for my four- and eight-hand dances. The schedule is also out today, which eases my anxiety a bit.
Appearance-wise, I am pretty pleased with everything (see photo above). I need to trim my wig, and tan my legs just a little bit so they match my face.
Goals: Keep working on stamina for the Os, go over 4-hand and 8-hand
Days till Os: 17
follow my blog: http://dancerpov.blogspot.com/