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Irish dance fusion groups: Hammerstep's Indigo Grey Kickstarter Campaign

Long time readers of Rince go Bragh may remember a few years ago when I made a few posts spotlighting different Irish dance groups who continue to expand the vocabulary of the Irish style by fusing it with others dance genres. I made four different posts on the subject, and if you're a newer reader, it may be worth checking out because these groups are just plain awesome to watch!

One of the aforementioned groups is Hammerstep, a New York based company that you may have seen before on America's Got Talent. Hammerstep is led by dancers Jason Oremus and Garrett Coleman, and they are currently in the middle of a huge Kickstarter campaign to fund their new Indigo Grey project! Indigo Grey will offer a live multimedia digital experience fusing live theater, film, video gaming, and interactive technology in an immersive showcase premiering in spring 2015.

Their goal is to raise $75,000 to fund their new show experience. With this being the final twenty days in their Kickstarter campaign, I feel that it's important as an Irish dance community that we come together to support our own in whatever way you can.

If you've never checked out Kickstarter before, it's a neat way for people to get independent projects funded. One of the coolest things as "backer" of a project is that there are different reward tiers that can be chosen for donating different amounts of money. These include anything from thank you emails, to t-shirts, workshops, and VIP tickets to see the show.

Check out more about this project, and why this will be should be a groundbreaking experience by visiting the Indigo Grey Kickstarter campaign link below. I have already made my contribution. Will you make yours?

[Indigo Grey Kickstarter]   [Hammerstep website]   [Facebook]   [Twitter]   [Instagram]

Goals: Try new reels and hornpipes without stopping
Days till NANs: 131

1 comment:

  1. Long time readers of Rince go Bragh may remember a few years ago when I made a few posts spotlighting different Irish dance groups who continue to expand the vocabulary of the Irish style by fusing it with others dance genres.


    Dylan Cook


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